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Year-on-year CPI increased by 4.87 percent in April 2024 compared to last year. The food index
increased by 5.53 percent and the non-food index increased by 4.31 percent. Except for the
communication major divisions, there has been an increase in the indices for all major divisions.
The index for communication decreased by 8.57. The index for miscellaneous goods and
services increased by 8.34 percent and that for housing and utilities increased by 6.26 percent.
The index for transport increased by 5.50 percent.
Month-on-month CPI in April 2024 increased by 1.50 percent from March 2024. The CPI of
food increased by 0.62 percent and that of non-food increased by 2.26 percent. The index of
housing and utilities increased by 6.99 percent and that of education increased by 3.91 percent.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages index increased by 0.70 percent from March and alcoholic
beverages and betel nuts decreased by 0.52 percent. There has been a decrease in the index of
communication by 1.61 percent. 

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