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Economic Census of Bhutan 2018
Economic Census of Bhutan 2018 31/07/2020 (2552 downloads )
Population Projection 2017-2047 (National Report)
National Population Projection 09/03/2021 (3956 downloads )
Population Projection 2017-2027 (Dzongkhag Report)
Population Projection (Dzongkhag Report) 04/02/2021 (2446 downloads )
Population and Housing and Census 2017 (National Report)
Population and Housing and Census 2017 (National Report) 26/06/2018 (7383 downloads )
 Population and Housing and Census 2017 (Dzongkhag Report)
Bumthang 26/06/2018 (1009 downloads )
Chhukha 26/06/2018 (1188 downloads )
Dagana 26/06/2018 (649 downloads )
Gasa 26/06/2018 (663 downloads )
Haa 26/06/2018 (521 downloads )
Lhuentse 26/06/2018 (550 downloads )
Monggar 26/06/2018 (680 downloads )
Paro 26/06/2018 (773 downloads )
Pemagatshel 26/06/2018 (668 downloads )
Punakha 26/06/2018 (628 downloads )
Samdrup Jongkhar 26/06/2018 (700 downloads )
Samtse 26/06/2018 (781 downloads )
Sarpang 26/06/2018 (877 downloads )
Thimphu 26/06/2018 (1565 downloads )
Trashigang 26/06/2018 (1015 downloads )
Trashiyangtse 26/06/2018 (583 downloads )
Trongsa 26/06/2018 (604 downloads )
Tsirang 26/06/2018 (820 downloads )
Wangduephodrang 26/06/2018 (680 downloads )
Zhemgang 26/06/2018 (704 downloads )
All Dzongkhags 26/06/2018 (1260 downloads )
Reports based on Population & Housing Census of Bhutan (PHCB) 2005
Factsheet of Population & Housing Census of Bhutan 2005 01/10/2006 (689 downloads )
Population Projections of Bhutan 2005-2030 01/10/2006 (611 downloads )
Dzongkhag Population Projections 2006-2015 01/10/2006 (523 downloads )
Socio-Economic and Demographic Indicators 2005 01/10/2006 (539 downloads )
Population & Housing Census of Bhutan 2005 (Report) 29/01/2006 (1401 downloads )
Population & Housing Census of Bhutan 2005 (excel data) 29/01/2006 (1045 downloads )
